Free «A Meaningful Experience» Essay Sample

Drunkenness is the act of taking alcohol or other substances that intoxicate and affect the overall body coordination. It may constitute misconduct depending on the level of alcohol consumed. Intoxication impairs one’s abilities, a visible effect upon one’s behavior beyond the limits of sobriety. In extreme cases the affected individuals may be punished. However, upon persistence dismissal of an employee is the only solution the employer has so has to protect the quality of production in the company. Dismissal for drunkenness on duty should not a onetime case of the offence. I personally believe that the first and even second offences must not be treated too serious except where the employee commits gross misconduct, for example the employee was too intoxicated to work or where the employee in such state endangered other employee’s working environment.

The degree to which an employee engages alcohol is determined by the kind of treatment they witnessed their workmates with similar traits get. The employer must have a uniform policy that guides drunkenness’s at workplace that should treat all of its workers equally without discrimination. The tools to determine whether an employee is drunk and to what level such as the breathalyzer should be more accurate and it should be operated by a person who is trained in its use (Bacharach, et al 268–275).



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My personal experience was at the workplace where my friend and I had been involved in alcohol that went on undetected for years. As a result of this condition, we become an astute liar, and would go to any lengths to hide the condition. My friend could steal at times so as to sustain his addictive behavior making the problem even more worse because he was to deal with two serious offences at the same time and had no way to get around them. As colleagues’, attempted to assist us out of this state they efforts yield no meaningful results and our alcohol dependency kept on increasing to a point that the employer began monitoring our movements. The employer began analyzing the attendance records that definite a certain pattern of lateness, absenteeism and late-coming mainly on Mondays, or on the days after pay-day, or the day after a public holiday. My friends’ condition had worsened and could not help him-self out and needed help which the employer would not offer (Macdonald, 253–259).

To be fair enough the employer placed a Supervisor to closely monitor our behavior and our relationship with other workers deteriorated resulting to poor work performance, with most of our work either late or short of the employer’s expectations (Mangione, et al. 264–269).

. My friend would at times offer some lame excuses such “my wife was sick and I had to take her to the doctor”.

The management on their part had the responsibility to prevent alcohol abuse in the workplace by enforcing the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Policy upon realizing that dismissing us can be a very expensive to the business,in terms of money spent on training his replacement, the cost of advertising the vacancy, time to spent in interviewing, and other administrative costs all added up and a decision was reached to not to dismiss but to rehabilitate and correct our behavior. Although, we were at first defensive at it is the case with all other drunken addicts he accepted to undergo the counseling, re-habilitation and was offered financial assistance. The employer constantly reminded him that it is not its business to re-habilitating alcoholics, problem drinkers and drug addicts. But the employer was only trying to assist his employees, to the ultimate benefit of both parties (Ames and Delaney 186 –190). We successively completed the re-habilitation program promising never to indulge in such excessive drinking in future. However, after a short period of time upon completing the program, he reverted to his old habits promising whoever confronted him that “it’s really not a big problem and I can stop any time I like, I was in re-habilitation centre for two months and all through I never touched a drop of alcohol” and this is enough proves that I can take it or leave it.

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Within a month, the employer discovered his new behavior and was dismissed without appeal, paid all his arrears and left straight to his favorite drinking point where he misused all his monies within a month and began a live as a beggar so as to sustain his worsening alcohol addiction behavior. He finally got to drinking locally prepared stuff that did not met the expected standards and his health deteriorated drastically leading to his death.

Being a very close friend, I examined carefully the tragic turn of events in his live and decided to stop the consumption of alcohol immediately because continued intake could have led to job loss, depression and similar consequences just as the case of my friend . To assist others alcohol addicts in similar state I choose to began a serious campaign against uncontrolled consumption of alcohol which has became very successful with most of my close friends joining my team to eradicate these vice not only at the workplace but also in all aspects of our live ( Brochu, & Souliere,315–328).

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In conclusion, being alcoholic is a sickness that those in it cannot assist themselves out of it but requires a sober personally to constantly help them out of the situation.


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