Free «Las Vegas Springs Preserve» Essay Sample

It is one of those places that boast of a great climate throughout the year, beautiful sceneries that can be found nowhere else in the world, ancient accounts, casinos and hotels, architecture and a gold rich culture. Furthermore, the population of this city is vastly diverse and hospitable. The place that befits the above description is Las Vegas. The city is known, at most, for its lifestyle and attractive scenes that tourists cannot resist. It is to be found in a barren basin within the Clark County. The population of this city is varied as it constitutes all human races and as a consequence illustrates the population. It necessitates more than a single demographic deliberation. The hotels, casinos, an entertainment affordability, architectural designs, parks and the metropolitan nature of Las Vegas have made this city attractive to individuals of diverse race, especially the youths.

A great deal of the city is a dusty and rocky landscape as the environment is subjugated by vegetation. There also are heavy flash floods which occur occasionally. The city is approximately two thousand feet above sea level. Las Vegas covers a total area of 340km2. Numerous natural attractions exist inside the city. They are trees, well-trimmed flowers, nicely carpeted lawns and clean man-made waterfalls. The transportation system of this city is quite advanced and proficient in the provision of services. The public transport systems include bus services that operate on a 24 hour basis. Las Vegas boasts of numerous parks, one of them is the Las Vegas Springs Preserve.



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This is a historical and cultural attraction centre sitting on a 180-acre piece of land. It is located at South Valley View Boulevard between the U.S 95 and Alta Drive. The Springs Preserve is referred to as Las Vegas’ ‘birth place’. This facility is managed by the Las Vegas Valley Water District. The Preserve is proud of its never-ending entertainments, galleries, gardens, exhibits, and trails that present educational and recreational opportunities to visitors. The design of the park, galleries, interactive exhibits for children, and a theater, is constructed in such a way that visitors learn about ancient inhabitants of the springs.

Interactive exhibits features are contained in the Natural Mojave Gallery. These exhibits survey geological accounts of the Mojave Desert, and a developmental evolution of the Springs and the Las Vegas Valley. This presents children with a chance to excavate fossils and get more education about erosion. The predicaments associated with floods of the valley are demonstrated by flash floods exhibits. These flash floods feature an amusement of a ravine through which recycled gallons of water come roaring every twenty minutes.

The natives of the Springs Gallery incorporate approximately thirty three exhibits that center on cultural records of the Springs Preserve and a growth of Las Vegas. Renovations of Native American residences and a multimedia response of the Las Vegas land public sale are put on display. In addition, a train car is placed to mark the arrival and development of the railroad. Visitors get educated about the erection of the Hoover dam due to an interactive exhibit.

Kids are entertained by the New Frontier Gallery while they gain more knowledge about Las Vegas. They are also presented with the ideologies of sustainability via thirteen diverse video games and adventure activities. The myriad of wildlife is also present. The desert home of this preserve is endowed with animals such as lizards, spiders, Gila monsters, snakes, bats, and desert cottontail rabbits. A complex of five buildings and forty three exhibits constitute the Desert Living Center. Here, a library, conference space, sustainability gallery, and classrooms form the bigger part of this complex. Events and activities of the centre reveal an importance of the conservation, alternative energy and recycling. A model showing a passageway to the Las Vegas residence is found in this complex. A theater placed inside a truck built from recycled materials display a film elucidating on products obtained from recycling trash materials. There is also a model kitchen, laundry room, and a bathroom. These facilities demonstrate the way in which water, energy, and money can be saved. An uncovered engine of the hybrid automobile is displayed in order to show how this functions.

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The gardens at the Springs Preserve are filled with vegetations that are well cured. A mandarin gives a suitable place for strolling. The garden is eight acres long and features sceneries such as a desert landscape, native, and non-native vegetation. Interpreting stations are placed at strategic places in the garden to offer assistance to visitors about its vegetation. There are numerous types of trees and plant vegetation including palms, cactus, vegetables, and roses. They have been transferred from an existing backyard and are placed on display in the garden. More instructions concerning gardening, irrigation, and landscaping are offered in a theater that is situated in the garden.

There are hiking centers and trails that contain interpretive displays and cinemas. The trails are directed to a wetland part of the desert. There are numerous plant vegetation, animal and bird species that include snowy egrets, peregrine falcons, and night herons in this wetland desert. A cauldron pool is rebuilt to illustrate a natural springs that once flourished below the valley. Furthermore, there is a cultural station that provides information about the history of that environment. Stalactites and Stalagmites, which are deposits of mineral salts, form inside the caves found in this wetland and this leads to the production of a scenery that is as beautiful as gold.

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Children are presented with a lot of learning opportunities and a place to play. There is a play ground constructed that bear resemblance to a desert ravine with extra-large wildlife replicas, which are as big as an Elephant. Some of the replicas include a wooly mammoth skeleton, peregrine falcon, and snake. This forms a perfect playing ground for kids. There is an additional area for children, known as Nature Exchange. Here, kids are allowed to be adventurous through the process of unearthing natural things. The skill of entrepreneurship is also administered in this section as the kids are allowed to trade their found items.

Other highlights offered in this place include a restaurant, spring’s café, and a gift shop. Some of the items found in the gift shop are collectibles, toys, and books. The restaurant is positioned strategically to enable visitors to view the Las Vegas Valley and strip. Dishes offered at the café and restaurants are delicious and affordable. The Springs Preserve offer educational programs such as cooking, sustainable living, art and craft, and cultural studies.

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This place hosts special events that are up-close in examining exotic birds. The events are free of charge as they are catered for by a general admission. The Springs Preserve has special parties for their members and supplementary shows during holidays. The up-close examination of birds provides visitors with an opportunity to explore these magnificent birds of prey in our environment. Springs Preserve is the place to visit if you intend to have an adventure. It is affordable and easily accessible. Furthermore, it caters for the whole family with its scenery features, kids playing ground and much more. The park has provided a very cool place for holiday makers. The scenery is crystal clear and too amazing to see. This makes Springs Preserve the sun in the sky when it comes to scenery features.


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