Free «Environmental Ethics» Essay Sample

Environmental ethics refers to the acts of human beings towards the maintenance and sustenance of the biodiversity and the environment that surrounds it through conscience and morality. The use of the concept is very critical in the protection and retention of the existing biological life for the benefit of the human beings at the current and future generation. As people play an important role in the maintenance of the environment, understanding the crucial concepts of the ideology becomes essential towards the success of the protection of the environment. This concept entails the carrying out of the human activities with regard to the biodiversity that exists making sure that their territories are not entirely exhausted by the settlement of human beings. Additionally, the concept describes in which the dire actions of the human beings that are already done can be salvage before the extinction of the certain species. Human beings are seen to possess the sole responsibility of ensuring the success of this initiative, as they are the only species given the knowledge to manage and oversee everything that lie beneath the sun.



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In the quest for environment protection, the human beings have a great obligation towards its success. They need to understand the reason why the earth exists and the benefits they derive from its existence. By evaluating and analyzing the importance of their existence, they develop knowledge and understanding that every biological life on earth has its sole reason for existence. Development of such an insight creates the demand to see and value the need of establishing moral and rational approaches towards the sustenance of the environment. This involves the analysis of means, in which human beings can be made to coexist with the biodiversity peacefully without any destruction or harm (Jain, 2006). This moral relationship between the human beings and its surrounding add value to the existence of the biodiversity without interference and exploitation.

The arousal of the importance of environment ethics pose in the minds of the people whether there exist any responsibility for human beings towards the protection of the environment. The deeper understanding of this concept makes the human beings realise the value of their existence and avoid such vices like pollution, destruction of plants and killing of wildlife. These vices are known to be detrimental to the environment and human beings should avoid them to enable the procreation of the existing biological life (Walker, 2000). Consequently, it makes human beings understand that nothing that lies on earth is entirely for their own usage, but their presence also adds value to humanity. By protection of the environment from exploitation and harm, it shows the real conscience of the humanity towards ensuring that anything that lies beneath the sun is cared for, and allowed to survive.

Meanwhile, the task of adopting and fulfilling the environment ethics is challenging and at times might be confusing. Exploitation of the natural resources might seem profitable and beneficial to the prosperity of the human beings, but adequate measures need to be taken to prevent their extinction. Concerning this, human beings should understand that the presence of biodiversity is not entirely for their own good, but rather they got their natural reasons for existence (Wenz, 2001). Notably nature has own ways of controlling its size and relationship with humanity thus, humans ought to know that exploitation of these resources should be handled in a measurable manner. Ethics explains the need of handling the biological life in a rational manner to suit and complement human needs. Understanding it makes humanity develop the ways of analysing its importance and develop appropriate ways of keeping it. Such a concept creates the value of realising that biodiversity has intrinsic right for their existence.

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The maintenance and sustenance of the environment induce the question as to whether it should be done solely for the interest of the humanity. There exists numerous importance of the biological life to humanity, which creates the demand of environmental ethics. Despite of this understanding, humanity should realise that the value of biodiversity in the environment is not entirely for their utilisation or meeting current needs. Existence of the biodiversity adds value, because of the beauty they possess and the scientific roles they play in their niches. In their exploitation, humanity has to learn that the biodiversity should be given the chance to increase and their exploitation done in a measurable manner to avoid extinction and exhaustion (Light, 2003).

Environmental ethics gives humanity the key obligation on the following issues as animal liberation, rights of nature, Gaia-centrism and Biophilia (Traer, 2009). Human beings should fight to ensure that the animals are free and protected in their ecosystems. Protection of these animals makes the continuation of their generation significant and gives the importance of peacefully coexistence. Similarly, the fight for animal rights should be upheld as it is very important in the struggle for protection of nature. Moreover, Gaia-centrism contributes significantly in the protection of the land and the numerous resources that it exhibits. Knowing that land contains numerous resources, it is critical to prevent unnecessary exploitation and excavation. The retention of the land in its natural form portrays the importance attached to the beauty of natural land and its role of supporting biological life. Basically, the land act ensures that the land is retained in its form and adequate measures are taken to improve its state and used appropriately. Finally, Biophilia is the policy that ensures nature is retained in its form despite the changing trends with the evolution of human needs. Therefore, the nature is kept in a position to meet the future needs of our generation and met in the form it existed as before.

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The realisation of the need to protect the biodiversity may have been late, but there is still a chance to salvage the species of animals that still exist and are endangered of extinction. Such an initiative involves the identification of the rare species and protection from the human exploitation. The general understanding of their contribution to the humanity is very essential for all humans to appreciate their existence. Due to this fact, the whole perspective of the environment should be altered to incorporate the existing biodiversity (Jamieson, 2008). Since ethics among the humanity is very critical, it involves the collective contribution by both the humans and the non-human towards the effective sustenance of the environment. Such factors as the significance of wild animals and plants, process of making environmental policies and every ones responsibility towards posterity. To ensure the efficient success of the initiative, human beings have to be very active and willing to protect the biodiversity from immense exploitation and harm despite the growing demand of their resources.

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On the move to protect the endangered species, human beings have a great responsibility in aligning their lifestyle and activities to create a chance for these species to prosper. The influencing factors for their exhaustion are the output gained from their products and the value attached to it. Humans, therefore, need to understand that the pursuit for environmental ethics demands lots of adjustments, sacrifice to be inculcated and a total new perceptive given to the products gained from the species. Additionally, humanity could integrate in some means of ensuring that the species needs are met in an efficient manner through relevant programmes like law, theology, geography and other disciplines. If such programmes give the importance of biological life then people get the concept of environmental ethics. At the same time they could create orphanages that gather for the needs and protection of the species from exploitation.


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