Free «Blaming Environmental Problems on Population Growth» Essay Sample

The assumptions being made that acclaim the global environment problems are caused by the expansion of the populace in poor developing countries has often been likened to the accusation of a misdemeanor on the sufferer. A rise in the occupation of a region can be related to the increase in the birth rates or, at times, to the decrease of the mortality rate and rise of immigration. This can force the populace around to desire to expand their region by destroying the geographical features and resources around them in an attempt to create more room for settlement. It is thus seemingly apt to acclaim that a rise in the populace can have adverse effects on the environment. Consequently, it is worth assessing the legitimacy that provides a clear and distinctive relation to the assumptions being made on the effects of population growth in these countries on the global environment. The major concern here is the poor developing countries being affected by these developments.

Different researchers have tried to validate the ratio that is normally required for the earth to sustain the population. A good example is given in the research conducted by David Pimentel and Mario Giampietro called Food, Land, Population, and the U. S. Economy. In their findings, the two researchers ascertained that the populace has an adverse effect not only on the economy but also on the environment. David and Mario (2012) support these commendations. However, placing complete claims on the poor developing countries for the adverse effects being noted on the world’s environment can be considered inappropriate. For instance, in most occasions, the global environmental issues seemingly arise from a cumulative pollution of the environment (Tacconi, Jotzo, & Grafton, 2006). The global environmental quandary is also said to arise from the destruction of natural vegetations often being destroyed to create room for industrial developments. Seeing that the world is evolving to a generation that has put massive demand on the need for electricity and power, there is intense pressure on the administrative forces which are eventually forced to burn coal to increase the production of alternative sources of energy. However, in the poor developing countries, there is minimal demand for electricity. This is because of the scarcity in the massive use of the same. Assuming that there are few people with access to vehicles and the use of electricity, the burning of coal and fossil fuels is also low. In this context, arguments can be placed to relate to the type of lifestyle being led by the populace as a whole. With a demanding lifestyle, much pressure is exerted more on the resources available. For instance, contrary to the poor developing countries, the lifestyle in most developed countries is highly demanding and expensive. The governments in the developed countries have duty to ensure that the needs of the people are addressed. This has seemingly encouraged an increase in the use of resources, which eventually contributed to the depletion of the environment (Nagdeve, 2012).



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In essence, poor developing countries experience minimal or no development at all; for instance, focusing on the causes of the world environmental problems, there is negligible evidence that could be used to acclaim the population growth in the poor developing countries to be the cause of these global problems. The world environmental problems have majorly been based on the ever-increasing and changing temperatures in the atmosphere. This has often been related to the increased pollution in the environment through the emission of toxic gases, mostly from industries, and the green house effect. These problems are common in industrialized and more developed countries. In the poor developing countries, the emission of these gases is rare. This is because of the scarcity of industries in the regions. Noting that these are poorly developing countries, the development of industries and the pressure put on the utilization of the natural resources is ostensible. Contrary to this, most of these countries have natural vegetations which contribute to the purification of the atmosphere. Industrialization has often been held as a major contributing factor to the depletion and destruction of the world environment. This is because of the industrial wastes and emissions. Most poorly developed countries lack prominent industries. This could arise from insufficient technological expertise being required to establish the industries. Thus, in essence, the amount of environmental depletion being contributed by these countries is mostly nil.

Immigration, which majorly contributes to the increase in population growth, is another common contributor to the problems of the world environment. Immigration can be voluntary that means that people immigrate in search of a better lifestyle or involuntarily i.e. they go abroad because of warfare and disease outbreaks. The majority of people have recently migrated to the developed countries leaving the poor developing countries in a state of stagnancy. The majority of the immigrants tend to take up the lifestyle of their new settlement. This contributes in a major way to the demand being exerted on the available resources. Eventually, the resources being shared fail to satisfy the needs of the increasing population leading to environmental problems. On the contrary, the poor developing countries are left with fewer populaces relying on these resources. However, the rate of population growth in these regions is also notable. This is because of the norms and traditions which exist in these countries. The customary role of women, which requires them to stay at home and raise children, could contribute to an increase in the population growth. However, this cannot be solely attributed to the global effects of the environmental problems (Marks, 2012).

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Fertility rate is another major contributor to the growth of a population. In Tanzania, for instance, the growth of the populace has notably been on the increase following the high fertility rate in the region. This aspect plays a vital role in the growth of the populace, because it contributes to early marriages of girls at 17 years who, in turn, reproduce at a high rate because of the lack of the fertility regulation in marriage. This condition highly accelerates the population growth which, in turn, hinders the development in the region. Focusing on the contributing factors of the world environmental problems, the poor developed regions appear to contribute less to the destruction of the environment. The population growth in the poor developing countries contradicts the general knowledge of an increase of the environmental problems. This is so because, instead of the populace benefitting from the resources around them, their increased population hinders them from further development. This can be taken to be a positive aspect in that, with the low population, more efforts are made in improving the lifestyle of the people by the government which seeks to avail better medical services to the people. Most poor developing countries are characterized by a low fertility rate. This is because of the lack of nutrition and proper health services in the regions. In contrast, the highly developed regions have higher fertility rates which contribute to high population growth. Eventually, this affects the environment as there is a need to cater for the growing population (United Nations Publication, 2011).

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On the same note, mortality in most developing countries has seemingly decreased because of the major developments and advancements in the accessibility of better health care. The fact that the rate of mortality plays a part in the rate of growth in a country could be contributing in favor of the poor developing countries; it helps in the control of the population growth. Similar to the inaccessibility to proper medical care, the number of child deaths appears to be high in the poor developing countries. In comparison to other developing and developed countries, the number of successful childbirths differs. This helps in managing the rate of population growth, thus, the demand being made on the environment appears minimal in the poor developing countries as compared to the developed and developing countries. Despite the efforts being made to improve the health services in the poor developing countries, the mortalities being reported are still high (Gregory, 2012).

The high population growth in the poor developing countries cannot be a major contributor to the world environmental problems. This is because of the other major factors that seem to hinder these countries from being a major threat to the world environment. For instance, with a poor economy, the demand for resources is high. Consequently, this hinders the development of the country. Additionally, based on the major factors that come to play an important role in the destruction of the environment, the poor developing countries contribute if at all very rare to the same. For instance, according to the National Population Policy of Tanzania (1992, p. 18), the growing population appears to reduce the country’s potential in achieving auxiliary progress. This is because of the strain being exerted on the government to develop other sectors and put a hold on some of the developments. Additionally, the number of reproductive people is low compared to the dependent ones.

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Overly, the blame on the population growth rate in the poor developing countries to be contributing to the world environmental problems is not valid. Based on the major factors leading to the destruction of the environment arising from the growth of the population, it is evident that there are minimal effects.


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