Free «Master of Engineering Management» Essay Sample

The Master of Engineering Management is a professional degree program in which management and engineering courses are taught by the same faculty. The major aim of this degree program includes developing managers who will have an understanding of both the business and engineering aspects, which form a crucial aspect of technology. I already have a Bachelor’s degree in engineering; my desire to pursue a management position in the future has prompted me to pursue a management course in engineering. While pursuing this course, there are several areas of study and research that I will focus on in my studies. One of the core areas of study is industrial engineering and the dynamics that accompany it. I will also study modern management techniques and do thorough research in leadership techniques, systems engineering, risk management, engineering administration, project management, as well as strategic technology development. Other areas of study include innovation, entrepreneurship, quality management, and software and systems management (Gilbert & Princeton Review, 2004).



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There are several reasons why I want to study this program; one of the reasons why I want to study this program is because of the many changes taking place in the modern world. These changes pose certain challenges that can only be solved by integrating business and technical skills. As a graduate in MEM, it can be easy to solve such challenges with the use of both technical and business skills. The other reason why I want to study this program is because skilled engineers should have an understanding of some business principles. This is because the contemporary world has become complex because of the many technological changes. My desire to study this program is also driven by interest in industrial management. In the future, I want to become a competent manager in the field of mechanical engineering. This program will make me have a competitive advantage in the management of research and development (Rao, 2010).


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