Free «Rhetorical Analysis» Essay Sample

There are various messages that can be attributed to the aspect of social networking sites. One of these is based on a friend of a friend of a friend knows you are on vacation and what does a friend of a friend of a friend know about you. The two concepts can help an individual in getting an ideal perception of how to relate with the social media. It is important to note that while we appreciate the great role of social media, there are many people who find themselves as victims of the very technology that is required to make their social interactions safe and faster. As will be noted below, there are those who have fallen victims of social networking sites and this has affected the credibility of information flow. This is the main message being advocated by the two dimensions of a friend of a friend of a friend know you are on vacation and the video of what does a friend of friend of a friend know about you.

The purpose of the site is to note the vehicles of communication that can be used with an aim of ensuring privacy of the users. As noted above in the introduction knowing something about another person should also be rooted in the respect of their privacy issues. The book explains that most of the online users have neglected to look at what is important and what is not when they are engaging through the social network. People ought to think about the choice they make in life and whether the choices are likely to impact on their way of living. Technology is not used to link people from one point to another while some people use it as a means of marketing and getting more resources. Personal data should be kept in a safe manner in order to avoid the rise of privacy issues.



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Most of the confusion in sharing information through social media arises from the fact that there is too much information to read and share that people do not even notice the dangers in information sharing. The crucial role of social networking does not only depend on the type of information that has been shared but on what an individual can get from what has been shared. It is only those who are aware of the dangers involved in sharing information that will dare take an opportunity to watch the video. On the other hand, most people who continue to fall as victims of social networking sites have always ignored the great importance that lies in issues to deal with privacy.

This is why important information in social networking sites such as those which have been offered will get little or no access at all. On the contrary, most people want to get into sites and get information that may be pleasant for them within a short time. The fascination into getting information at times renders an individual prune to attack from unsuspected sources. The orientation of the video seeks to highlight and educate people who are not aware of their legal right to protect their personal data while at the same time to be wary about what they should be doing in social networking sites.

Protection of privacy has been a bone of contention for years. However, the rapid technological transformations, growth of the internet, electronic commerce and introduction of more complicated modes of collecting, evaluating and using private information and data have made the subject of privacy an immense socio-political issue across the globe (Gray, 1998). The issues of privacy have drawn the attention of politicians, businesses, media, government sectors and privacy advocates.

In this regard, there are a number of technologies that allow individuals to research citizen’s private data. One of them is cloud computing. This technology defines a rapid, subscription-founded consumption of the invention services. The technology is availed from the outside sources and might be reached through the internet. The promise of cloud is centred on the fact that systems of information technology will be the information systems. This cloud is made to permit the user to rivet attention on what he or she endeavours and never its storage point. The user does not have to worry about the location where the data is stored. Through the ability to access the cloud, retrieval of data becomes a much easier task.

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The second technology is biometrics. These systems are made to validate an individual’s identity through the incorporation of physical element or behavioural attributes. The biometric identifiers entail the palm prints, DNA, face, and fingerprints among others. The process of collecting these kinds of private data coupled with the necessary database information like name, date of birth and the rest leaves an individual with no privacy. In the event that this is merged with technology of tracking geographic regions like smart phone, an individual would unknowingly be subjected to constant surveillance. The last technology is radio frequency identification (RFID). This technology allows to storee large volumes of personal data and information on chips.

Public access to private data has triggered a number of advantages and disadvantages for both the researchers and the person under investigation. For one, this may be advantageous to the researchers in the sense that they are able to access the information they need to complete their work. This makes their work easier. However, one disadvantage is that this kind of data is largely self-governed, implying that it must be closely scrutinized. With reference to the individual under investigation, public access to their data or information is largely disadvantageous in the sense that it depicts an invasion of privacy and confidentiality. This is to imply that this individual does not gain in having the public access his or her private data.

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The internet is one of the communication technologies that are most controversial when it comes to personal privacy. Social networks have come out as some of the most popular internet attractions. Users of social networks can create personal profile, add other users as friends and send message as well post status and comment to friend wall. Users may join common interest user groups organize by workplace or school. Facebook, for example, allows any user to declare them to be at least 13 years old to register as user of the website. With regard to privacy, social networks have been supported as having the necessary security systems in place to safeguard the personal information of the users. In the case of Facebook, users are provided with the option of making their personal information private so that only friends can have access to such information. For supporters of social networking, this system of security is sufficient to keep off cyberstakers.

Opponents, however, believe social networks are the most common avenues through which individuals lose their private information. Users are able to make their profile private to stop anyone, unless their friends, from seeing it. This great privacy feature can protect users from cyber stalkers, but unfortunately it is all useless by the present of application system. In the case of Facebook, the application used to reset privacy status restates things that the user has set to private. This means not only by tagging pictures or location of where you are, but this application are more worse than all of that, as it absorbs the information that your friend have without his knowledge of it. In essence, individuals change their private information into public one without knowing. In fact, it is out of the realizations of the infringement of security that most social networks encourage their users consider the amount of information they release about themselves.

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Many people have argued that the development of sophisticated communication gadgets such as cellular phones, laptops, and palmtops and of course the internet has enhanced relationships among families and friends. For instance, the development of the Internet has resulted in people being able to communicate with each other from various parts around the globe. Further, the sharing of information by way of ICT has improved interaction and output in many firms or companies that have embraced it. The endless and timeless nature of sharing information across the Internet has also led to the boom of almost countless friendships and relationships in virtual communities. Informational technology in workplaces has also created many needed jobs such data miners for many people around the world. To some people, this situation has resulted in the Masses being able to know what their leaders are hatching behind closed doors making the former to interrogate and keep their leadership on toes. New ICT technologies have opened doors to what was otherwise a political order characterized by secrecy of information and limited access to communicative structures. This has brought about transparency leading to civil participation and more democratic decision-making processes. Transparency in information sharing is said to generate greater public awareness.

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While most opponents do not disagree with the above arguments, they believe that the problem lies in the information that is left behind. The increased interaction of people, brought about by technology, has created a form of digital footprint that can be used against the individuals involved. When an individual leaves a physical space, say a train seat, it will be extremely had to trace that individual later on. That is, it will be difficult to prove that the individual travelled on that particular train, or the distance travelled. In other words, by leaving a physical space, an individual is gone forever. By contrast, occupying a space in the cyberspace means staying there forever. Given the fact that the actions of individuals are automatically stored, they can be a traced and used later on. Put differently, all actions by people on the cyberspace can be traced indefinitely. This means, the use of ICT puts the privacy of individuals in jeopardy. Thus, while some people might argue that privacy depends on how much information an individual releases, the truth is that any activity online is enough to provide all the necessary information about individual. For example, even though visiting an online shop might seem perfectly safe, the online shop is able to trace the IP address of the visitor and can use it to know the location of the visitor. Certainly, anybody who knows your location can give you a visit anytime, being invited or otherwise not.

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There is no doubt that both of the sides to the argument have put a spirited defence for their stand. The fact of the matter is that invasion of privacy through ICT has fast become a major ethical issue. It is true that much personal information of individuals and organizations is finding its way in the not intended hands. Privacy relates to the violation of individual right to have exclusivity to their personal information, the freedom of expression and transparency. Although most countries have established the right of privacy, the violation of this right is rampant through ICT. The Internet as well as host of many other digital technologies has made to easy to assemble, integrate and distribute information without paying proper attention to the appropriate use of information and the need for observing personal privacy. Lack of privacy is a great ethical issue because the basic demand of privacy is that a person has the freedom to share their personal information with those they wantd without the fear or possibility of being interfered with or surveillance of any nature. Indeed, there have been increases in the development of technologies that improve the security of technology users. Today there are facilities such as zip codes and encrypted files and individual can electronically secure their information. Furthermore, the Internet service providers have improved their codes of operation which give credence to the privacy of individuals' personal information.

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In conclusion, it is apparent that both privacy and the subject of security are major areas of consideration, with rising public activism and enlightenment across Europe, the US and the world as a whole. This implies that the temptation to legalize and regulate with an aim of safeguarding the public might outweigh the impacts of limiting online activities.


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