Free «Engineered Nanoparticles» Essay Sample

In their article Borm, P. J and et al explored the potential risks that engineered nanoparticles can expose the society to .They noted that the engineered nanoparticles are capable of causing respiratory and inhalation problems ,inflammatory reactions , tumors were also likely to results but these have only been evident in research with rats. The although noted that there was an increase in production of nonmaterial particles through engineering process and their use .The authors noted that engineered nanoparticles use will continue to rise and therefore the necessity for research on their effects on humans and the environment.

Borm and et al (2006) explored the use and application of engineered nanoparticles their sources and their potential markets .they noted that these materials were becoming increasingly useful in the modern world and their demand and use will continue to rise .they also explored their potential harmful effects on the society ad explored the ways in which they can be absorbed into the bodies. They examined how they can affect the health of an individual who is exposed to these nonmaterial engineered particles. The authors also examined the standards that are required for the nanoparticles together with the terminologies that are used in nanoscience. The authors also defined the terms that are used in the technology and noted their differences.



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They also explored their production both deliberate and accidental. They examined the available data on the harmful potential of the technology and recommended that more research be done to fully examine their potential harmful; effects. Since the authors have through examined the nanoparticles technology from its production, application to the potential harmful effects their article therefore is unbiased .in other words the authors did not just address the potential risks that the technology can expose the society to but examined its application and usefulness while noting the qualities that the technology has as well as its advantages. Their article is therefore reliable since not only detailed but also have cited other researches conducted on the technology.

Their article is related to such works by Lee, Seung, W. et al since they address issues relating to nanotechnology it uses and application and the potential harms that can result from particles engineered through nanoscience .

This article is about the dangers that are realized as a result of adopting nanotechnology, with these dangers being known to be pervasive enough to bring about detrimental effects to both the environment and the human health. The topics or elements that Farre, Gadja-Schrantz, Kantiani and Barcelo exploit are: the manner in which the nanomaterials residues detrimentally affect the environment and in the long run, human and animal health; and the properties of nanomaterials that make them different from the parent compounds. The results of this exploration/research is that the surface properties of and minute sizes of NPs together with nanotubes usually provide large surfaces which bind together and transport the toxic chemical pollutants while generating reactive radicals.

The main goal of the article is to issue warning on the dangers which may stem from the flippant and unsanctioned use of nanotechnology. This article is clearly free of any bias, given that it reports on the dangers of using nanotechnology, while presenting analyzed data and statistics on the same. The effects of nanotechnology are also seen to be too apparent to be ignored, thereby discounting any insinuation of the article being biased. This makes the article very reliable.

As opposed to other articles, Farre, Gadja-Schrantz, Kantiani and Barcelo mainly deal in the nature of nanomaterials and how the use of these materials in nanotechnology affects the environment and human health and longevity. Nevertheless, the similarities in the articles are their scope on the effects, technology and efficiency both positive and negative in battery technology. While other articles touch on pertinent matters such as technology and efficiency, this article mainly dabbles in the effects mainly negative that stem from the use of nanomaterials in battery technology.

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In their article the authors examined the applications of nanotechnology in the synthesis of anodized titanium its application the process of its manufacture and its harmful potentials to the society and environment. They examined the engineering process its qualities and how it affects the body.

There work is comparable to that of the other authors discussed in the paper since it the other authors also examined the uses of nanotechnology and the negative effects on the society and the environment noting in details the qualities of the elements that make the useful and harmful at the same time.

In their article the authors examined the uses and structure of carbon nanotubes .They noted the characteristics of the carbon nanotubes and what made them potentially harmful to the society as well as very useful. They examined the existing literature on the carbon nanotubes and noted that the was need for further research on the area of their potential harm

The authors in their article were unbiased since they consider in detailed characteristics of the Carbon Nanotubes it uses and applications as well as their potential to be harmful and explained in details the process that make them potentially harmful. They also examined the existing literature on the Carbon Nanotubes technology this therefore makes their work was unbiased since they holistically examined the technology.

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Their article can be compared to those of the other authors since they address the uses of nanotechnology and its potential to harm the society and environment.

The main goal of the article is to illustrate how nanotechnology is used in making high energy storage devices for many applications including the renewable energy and the hybrid vehicles. The topic most dominantly presented is how to increase the power output of lithium batteries through the reduction of lithium-ion diffusion distances. The result of the article is that the use of nanotechnology is the best mode of battery power storage, the negative effects, that notwithstanding.

The goal of the article is to show the best technology to use in battery making as a form of energy storage, which is nanotechnology. The article can be said to be somewhat biased, given that it mentions only the technical pros of nanotechnology while evading the cons of environmental and healthy degradation associated with nanotechnology. The article remains reliable, as far as the knowhow in the use of nanotechnology in battery making goes.

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This article is different from others since it only delves into the knowhow necessary for the use of nanotechnology. It has similarity with other articles by the virtue of discussing battery technology, while it's specializing in only the technicalities of using nanotechnology, irrespective of its hazards distinguish it from other articles.

This article is mainly about the cycles that bring about the devastations of the use of nanotechnology. The topics presented by Gorman, Swami and Deshpande are the identification of the products that pose the greatest risks; where the risks occur in the life cycle of the product; and the importance of these environmental risks on the society. The result of this article is that through the expert elicitation process, it is possible to ascertain the severity of risk triggers, to identify the use and disposal scenarios where the risks occur, so as to thwart the devastations of nanotechnology.

The goal of the article is to illustrate that it is possible to use nanotechnology while evading successfully, the dangers of nanotechnology, fort instance by using expert elicitation process. The article is reliable as it is free of any bias: the absence of biasness is seen in the presentation and illustration of how nanotechnology brings about the devastating environmental effects and how through the use of expert elicitation process, the threats of nanotechnology can be thwarted.

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The article is different from others in that it goes on to spell out not just the dangers posed by nanotechnology, but how through the use of expert elicitation process, these dangers can be reversed. Nevertheless, its acknowledgement of the dangers of nanotechnology makes it similar to other articles.


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