Free «Strength Finder» Essay Sample

Leadership is an important tool that determines a country’s or an organization’s success. It helps in developing a strong organizational culture that is essential for successful function. The leader should employ strategies that link organizational culture and the effectiveness in an organization. The structures employed always drive individual behaviors in an organization and, thereby, become effective. Ethical leadership employed by a manager influences utilization of transactions and transformations of leadership skills in relation to the behavior of the subjects and the success of the business. Poor leadership results to an organization’s downfall. Ethical decision making involves avoiding agent conflict of interest while increasing reputational capital of a firm. A leader in an organization has to manage the smooth running of an organization deliberatively by meeting up all the needs of the various departments. A leader’s plan of action should involve a way to harmonize the growth trends of the nation, including those from different cultures and races.



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A formal leader willing to have a successful leadership must be an arranger, for example, in a business organization must work closely with logistics manager. The leader must employ managers to report to him in order to have an actual update of the daily activities in the business enterprise. This formal operation has a formal hierarchy with an extensive chain of command that starts at the leader and ends at the lowest raking individual (Shivers-Blackwell, 2006). It comprises of a simple chain of command that is broken down into echelons, commands, units and geographical regions, which allows it to operate daily at a lower level without the need of reporting everything directly. As an includer, he should be able to include everybody along the hierarchy in order to be able to function properly. The leader should apply decentralization principles to align its flatter and scattered management team concept, including those that are in areas of feedback and inputs. It should give autonomy to individuals on how to manage themselves. This results in a flexible and a responsive workforce of specialists driving themselves and relying on the core group for direction and leadership arrangement.

A leader’s plan of action should include a way to harmonize the growth trends of workers from different cultures and races. It should be his responsibility to modernize the organization’s equipments to take care of changes in technology. This is a way of meeting the desire for research in the managerial system and how to meet effective leadership in the democracy.

Finally, taking the theory of motivation, a leader must employ motivation efforts in order to satisfy common interest and be able to restore workers morale. This motivation concept raises the idea of universality. Leaders should realize that people are not as different as they appear to be and should be handled equally. According to content theory of motivation, leaders must comprehend psychological foundations that govern behaviors citizens or workers in an organization. For example you find that there seem to be behaviors that dominate needs of individuals. Leaders should be aware that these needs include achievement, affiliation and power (Michael & Antonio, 2000). Content theory of motivation, therefore, explains that in most cases, different people experience a combination of needs and these people would in most cases demonstrate marked preferences for some need above others needs. Ethical leadership employed by a manager influences utilization of transactions and transformations of leadership skills in relation to the behavior of the employees and the success of the business. Poor leadership results to a company’s downfall witnessed in the fall. Ethical decision making involves avoiding agent conflict of interests while increasing reputational capital of a firm (Ikenberry, 2002).


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